Writer's Digest Contest February, 2013

Tuesday, February 5, 2013 2:21 PM By crosswaysnet , In

[Prompt: Write the opening sentence (25 words or fewer) to a story based on the photo above...]

"Ripples of Scarlet and alabaster shimmered before him as he lowered the gun slowly to his waist."


1:53 PM By crosswaysnet , In

Writer's Digest Short Story Contest Entry, 2013

The man froze in his tracks. His weren’t the only ones pressed into the fresh fall of snow. A scuffling trail of sneakers - a child’s sized 7 - led from his front door, between his own, turning left down the sidewalk.

He panicked, dropping the shopping bag, splitting the milk jug and soaking the newspaper and paper bag of fresh-ground coffee. The cherry twizzler hung limp from his lips, an indecisive weathervane in the still air.


Sunday, February 3, 2013 7:42 AM By crosswaysnet , In

2013 "Beat the Clock" Contest Entry - Bookrix.com


Lucy reached forward to poke her finger through, thinking that maybe she could see better. Jimmy yanked his four year old sister’s hand away from the door.

“Don’t do that!” he hissed. “Be quiet - and still.”

Auspicious Beginnings...

Friday, February 1, 2013 3:36 PM By crosswaysnet , In , ,

The challenge: Create a new genre - "Cozy Apocalypse Mysteries"

Take One...